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A spell on a scroll can be used only once. The writing vanishes from the scroll when the spell is activated. Using a scroll is basically like casting a spell.


Physical Description

A scroll has an AC of 9, 1 hit point, a hardness of 0, and a break DC of 8.



To activate a scroll, a spellcaster must read the spell written on it. Doing so involves several steps and conditions.

Decipher the Writing: The writing on a scroll must be deciphered before a character can use it or know exactly what spell it contains. This requires a read magic spell or a successful Spellcraft check (DC 20 + spell level).

Deciphering a scroll to determine its contents does not activate its magic unless it is a specially prepared cursed scroll. A character can decipher the writing on a scroll in advance so that he or she can proceed directly to the next step when the time comes to use the scroll.

Activate the Spell: Activating a scroll requires reading the spell from the scroll. The character must be able to see and read the writing on the scroll.

Activating a scroll spell requires no material components or focus. (The creator of the scroll provided these when scribing the scroll.) Note that some spells are effective only when cast on an item or items. In such a case, the scroll user must provide the item when activating the spell. Activating a scroll spell is subject to disruption just as casting a normally prepared spell would be.

To have any chance of activating a scroll spell, the caster must meet the following requirements:

The spell must be of the correct type (arcane or divine). Arcane spellcasters cannot cast divine spells from a scroll, nor can divine spellcasters cast arcane spells in this manner.

The user must have the spell on his or her class list.

The user must have the requisite ability score.

If the user meets all the requirements noted above, and the user’s caster level is at least equal to the spell’s caster level, the user can automatically activate the spell without a check. If the character meets all three requirements but his or her own caster level is lower than the scroll spell’s caster level, then the character has to make a caster level check (DC = scroll’s caster level + 1) to cast the spell successfully. If the character fails, he or she must make a Wisdom check (DC 5) to avoid a mishap (see Scroll Mishaps, below). A natural roll of 1 always fails, whatever the modifiers.


Determine Effect

A spell successfully activated from a scroll works exactly like a spell prepared and cast the normal way. Assume the scroll spell’s caster level is always the minimum level required to cast the spell for the character who scribed the scroll (usually twice the spell’s level, minus 1), unless the caster specifically desires otherwise.

The writing for an activated spell disappears from the scroll.


Scroll Mishaps

In a mishap, the spell on the scroll has a reversed or harmful effect. The DM determines what sort of mishap occurs, with a surge of uncontrolled magic energy that deals 1d6 points of damage per spell level being the default.


Table: Scroll Spell Levels

Minor   MediumMajor  Spell Level       Spell’s Caster Level*

-----     ------   -----     -----------        --------------------

01-50   -           -           1st                    1st

51-95   01-05   -           2nd                  3rd

96-100 06-65   -           3rd                   5th

-           66-95   01-05   4th                   7th

-           96-100 06-50   5th                   9th

-           -           51-70   6th                   11th

-           -           71-85   7th                   13th

-           -           86-95   8th                   15th

-           -           95-100 9th                   17th

*These numbers assume that the creator is a cleric, druid, or wizard.


Table: Arcane Spell Scrolls

1st-Level Arcane Spells

d%       Spell                                                                 Market Price

--         -----                                                                 ------------

01-05   Burning hands                                                   25 gp

06-10   Change self                                                       25 gp

11-15   Charm person                                                   25 gp

16-18   Color spray                                                      25 gp

19-22   Detect secret doors                                          25 gp

23-25   Detect undead                                                  25 gp

26-28   Enlarge                                                 25 gp

29-31   Erase                                                                25 gp

32-36   Feather fall                                                       25 gp

37-39   Grease                                                             25 gp

40-44   Identify                                                 125 gp

45-47   Jump                                                                25 gp

48-51   Mage armor                                                     25 gp

52-54   Magic weapon                                                  25 gp

55-57   Mount                                                              25 gp

58-60   Ray of enfeeblement                                         25 gp

61-63   Reduce                                                             25 gp

64-66   Shield                                                               25 gp

67-69   Shocking grasp                                     25 gp

70-73   Silent image                                                      25 gp

74-78   Sleep                                                                25 gp

79-81   Spider climb                                                     25 gp

82-84   Summon monster I                                            25 gp

85-87   Floating disk                                                     25 gp

88-92   Unseen servant                                     25 gp

93-95   Ventriloquism                                                   25 gp

96-100 DM’s choice of any 1st-level arcane spell          -


2nd-Level Arcane Spells

d%       Spell                                                                 Market Price

--         -----                                                                 ------------

01-03   Arcane lock                                                      175 gp

04-08   Blindness/deafness                                            150 gp

09-13   Blur                                                                  150 gp

14-18   Bull’s strength                                                   150 gp

19-22   Cat’s grace                                                       150 gp

23-25   Darkvision                                                        150 gp

26-30   Detect thoughts                                     150 gp

31-33   Flaming sphere                                     150 gp

34-38   Invisibility                                                         150 gp

39-41   Knock                                                              150 gp

42-46   Levitate                                                            150 gp

47-51   Locate object                                                   150 gp

52-54   Acid arrow                                                       150 gp

55-59   Minor image                                                     150 gp

60-64   Mirror image                                                    150 gp

65-69   Misdirection                                                     150 gp

70-72   Protection from arrows                         150 gp

73-77   See invisibility                                       150 gp

78-80   Spectral hand                                                   150 gp

81-83   Stinking cloud                                                   150 gp

84-87   Summon monster II                                          150 gp

88-92   Summon swarm                                                150 gp

93-95   Web                                                                 150 gp

96-100 DM’s choice of any 2nd-level arcane spell        -


3rd-Level Arcane Spells

d%       Spell                                                                 Market Price

--         -----                                                                 ------------

01-05   Blink                                                                375 gp

06-10   Clairaudience/clairvoyance                                375 gp

11-15   Dispel magic                                                     375 gp

16-20   Displacement                                                    375 gp

21-25   Fireball                                                 375 gp

26-28   Flame arrow                                                     375 gp

29-31   Fly                                                                   375 gp

32-33   Gaseous form                                                   375 gp

34-36   Greater magic weapon                          375 gp

37-39   Halt undead                                                      375 gp

40-42   Haste                                                               375 gp

43-45   Hold person                                                     375 gp

46-47   Invisibility sphere                                              375 gp

48-53   Lightning bolt                                                    375 gp

54        Magic circle against chaos                                 375 gp

55        Magic circle against evil                                    375 gp

56        Magic circle against good                                  375 gp

57        Magic circle against law                                    375 gp

58-60   Nondetection                                                    425 gp

61-65   Slow                                                                375 gp

66-70   Spectral hand                                                   375 gp

71-75   Suggestion                                                        375 gp

76-79   Summon monster III                                         375 gp

80-84   Tongues                                                           375 gp

85-87   Vampiric touch                                     375 gp

88-90   Water breathing                                                375 gp

91-100 DM’s choice of any 3rd-level arcane spell         -


4th-Level Arcane Spells

d%       Spell                                                                 Market Price

--         -----                                                                 ------------

01-05   Charm monster                                     700 gp

06-10   Confusion                                                         700 gp

11-15   Contagion                                                         700 gp

16-20   Detect scrying                                                   700 gp

21-23   Dimensional anchor                                           700 gp

24-28   Dimension door                                                700 gp

29-33   Emotion                                                            700 gp

34-36   Enervation                                                        700 gp

37-39   Black tentacles                                     700 gp

40-44   Fear                                                                 700 gp

45-47   Fire shield                                                         700 gp

48-50   Ice storm                                                          700 gp

51-55   Improved invisibility                                          700 gp

56-58   Lesser geas                                                      700 gp

59-64   Minor globe of invulnerability                700 gp

65-67   Phantasmal killer                                               700 gp

68-70   Polymorph other                                               700 gp

71-73   Polymorph self                                      700 gp

74-76   Remove curse                                                   700 gp

77-79   Shadow conjuration                                          700 gp

80-82   Stoneskin                                                         950 gp

83-84   Summon monster IV                                         700 gp

85-87   Wall of fire                                                       700 gp

88-90   Wall of ice                                                        700 gp

91-100 DM’s choice of any 4th-level arcane spell         -


5th-Level Arcane Spells

d%       Spell                                                                 Market Price

--         -----                                                                 ------------

01-04   Interposing hand                                               1,125 gp

05-08   Cloudkill                                                           1,125 gp

09-13   Cone of cold                                                    1,125 gp

14-17   Dismissal                                                          1,125 gp

18-21   Dominate person                                                          1,125 gp

22-24   Feeblemind                                                       1,125 gp

25-27   Greater shadow conjuration                              1,125 gp

28-31   Hold monster                                                    1,125 gp

32-35   Major creation                                                  1,125 gp

36-40   Mind fog                                                          1,125 gp

41-44   Passwall                                                           1,125 gp

45-49   Persistent image                                                1,125 gp

50-53   Shadow evocation                                            1,125 gp

54-56   Stone shape                                                      1,125 gp

57-60   Summon monster V                                          1,125 gp

61-64   Telekinesis                                                        1,125 gp

65-69   Teleport                                                           1,125 gp

70-73   Transmute mud to rock                         1,125 gp

74-77   Transmute rock to mud                         1,125 gp

78-81   Wall of force                                                    1,125 gp

82-86   Wall of iron                                                      1,175 gp

87-90   Wall of stone                                                    1,125 gp

91-100 DM’s choice of any 5th-level arcane spell         -


6th-Level Arcane Spells

d%       Spell                                                                 Market Price

--         -----                                                                 ------------

01-04   Acid fog                                                           1,650 gp

05-07   Analyze dweomer                                             1,650 gp

08-11   Antimagic field                                      1,650 gp

12-15   Forceful hand                                                   1,650 gp

16-19   Chain lightning                                      1,650 gp

20-23   Circle of death                                                  2,150 gp

24-26   Control water                                                   1,650 gp

27-30   Disintegrate                                                      1,650 gp

31-33   Eyebite                                                 1,650 gp

34-37   Flesh to stone                                                   1,650 gp

38-41   Globe of invulnerability                          1,650 gp

42-45   Greater shadow evocation                                1,650 gp

46-49   Mass suggestion                                               1,650 gp

50-52   Mislead                                                            1,650 gp

53-57   Move earth                                                       1,650 gp

58-61   Freezing sphere                                                1,650 gp

62-65   Programmed image                                           1,650 gp

66-70   Project image                                                   1,650 gp

71-75   Repulsion                                                         1,650 gp

76-78   Shades                                                             1,650 gp

79-82   Stone to flesh                                                    1,650 gp

83-86   Summon monster VI                                         1,650 gp

87-90   True seeing                                                       1,900 gp

91-100 DM’s choice of any 6th-level arcane spell         -


7th-Level Arcane Spells

d%       Spell                                                                 Market Price

--         -----                                                                 ------------

01-05   Grasping hand                                                  2,275 gp

06-10   Control undead                                     2,275 gp

11-15   Delayed blast fireball                                         2,275 gp

16-20   Ethereal jaunt                                                    2,275 gp

21-25   Finger of death                                     2,275 gp

26-30   Forcecage                                                        3,775 gp

31-35   Limited wish                                                     3,775 gp*

36-40   Mass invisibility                                     2,275 gp

41-45   Sword                                                              2,275 gp

46-50   Power word, stun                                             2,275 gp

51-55   Prismatic spray                                     2,275 gp

56-60   Reverse gravity                                     2,275 gp

61-65   Sequester                                                         2,275 gp

66-70   Spell turning                                                      2,275 gp

71-75   Summon monster VII                                        2,275 gp

76-80   Teleport without error                                       2,275 gp

81-85   Vanish                                                              2,275 gp

86-90   Vision                                                               3,025 gp

91-100 DM’s choice of any 7th-level arcane spell         -

*-Assumes no material component cost in excess of 1,000 gp and no XP cost in excess of 300 XP.


8th-Level Arcane Spells

d%       Spell                                                                 Market Price

--         -----                                                                 ------------

01-03   Antipathy                                                          3,000 gp

04-08   Clenched fist                                                     3,000 gp

09-13   Clone                                                               4,000 gp

14-18   Demand                                                           3,000 gp

19-23   Horrid wilting                                                    3,000 gp

24-28   Incendiary cloud                                               3,000 gp

29-33   Mass charm                                                      3,000 gp

34-38   Maze                                                                3,000 gp

39-43   Mind blank                                                       3,000 gp

44-48   Telekinetic sphere                                             3,000 gp

49-53   Irresistible dance                                               3,000 gp

54-58   Polymorph any object                                       3,000 gp

59-63   Power word, blind                                            3,000 gp

64-68   Prismatic wall                                                   3,000 gp

69-73   Protection from spells                                       3,500 gp

74-78   Screen                                                              3,000 gp

79-83   Summon monster VIII                          3,000 gp

84-88   Sunburst                                                           3,000 gp

89-90   Sympathy                                                         4,500 gp

91-100 DM’s choice of any 8th-level arcane spell         -


9th-Level Arcane Spells

d%       Spell                                                                 Market Price

--         -----                                                                 ------------

01-07   Crushing hand                                                   3,825 gp

08-14   Energy drain                                                     3,825 gp

15-21   Imprisonment                                                    3,825 gp

22-28   Meteor swarm                                                  3,825 gp

29-35   Disjunction                                                       3,825 gp

43-49   Prismatic sphere                                               3,825 gp

50-56   Shapechange                                                    3,825 gp

57-63   Summon monster IX                                         3,825 gp

64-69   Time stop                                                         3,825 gp

70-76   Wail of the banshee                                          3,825 gp

77-83   Weird                                                               3,825 gp

84-90   Wish                                                                28,825 gp*

91-100 DM’s choice of any 9th-level arcane spell         -

*-Assumes no material component cost in excess of 10,000 gp and no XP cost in excess of 5,000 XP.


Table: Divine Spell Scrolls

1st-Level Divine Spells

d%       Spell                                                                 Market Price

--         -----                                                                 ------------

01-05   Bless                                                                25 gp

06-10   Calm animals                                                    25 gp

11-14   Command                                                        25 gp

15-19   Cure light wounds                                             25 gp

20-22   Detect chaos                                                    25 gp

23-25   Detect evil                                                        25 gp

26-28   Detect good                                                     25 gp

29-31   Detect law                                                        25 gp

32-34   Detect snares and pits                                       25 gp

35-39   Doom                                                               25 gp

40-44   Entangle                                                           25 gp

43-49   Faerie fire                                                         25 gp

50-54   Inflict light wounds                                            25 gp

55-59   Invisibility to animals                                         25 gp

60-64   Invisibility to undead                                         25 gp

65-67   Magic fang                                                       25 gp

68-70   Magic stone                                                      25 gp

71-73   Magic weapon                                                  25 gp

74-77   Sanctuary                                                         25 gp

78-82   Shillelagh                                                          25 gp

83-86   Summon monster I                                            25 gp

87-90   Summon nature’s ally I                                      25 gp

91-100 DM’s choice of any 1st-level divine spell           -


2nd-Level Divine Spells

d%       Spell                                                                 Market Price

--         -----                                                                 ------------

01-05   Aid                                                                   150 gp

06-10   Augury                                                 150 gp

11-15   Barkskin                                                           150 gp

16-20   Bull’s strength                                                   150 gp

21-25   Charm person or animal                                    150 gp

26-28   Chill metal                                                        150 gp

29-31   Cure moderate wounds                         150 gp

32-36   Delay poison                                                    150 gp

37-39   Flame blade                                                      150 gp

40-42   Flaming sphere                                     150 gp

43-47   Heat metal                                                        150 gp

48-50   Hold animal                                                      150 gp

51-55   Hold person                                                     150 gp

56-58   Inflict moderate wounds                                    150 gp

59-63   Lesser restoration                                             150 gp

64-67   Silence                                                             150 gp

68-70   Speak with animals                                           150 gp

71-75   Spiritual weapon                                               150 gp

76-79   Summon monster II                                          150 gp

80-83   Summon nature’s ally II                                    150 gp

84-85   Summon swarm                                                150 gp

86-90   Undetectable alignment                         150 gp

91-100 DM’s choice of any 2nd-level divine spell          -


3rd-Level Divine Spells

d%       Spell                                                                 Market Price

--         -----                                                                 ------------

01-02   Call lightning                                                     375 gp

03-09   Cure serious wounds                                        375 gp

10-13   Dispel magic                                                     375 gp

14-15   Dominate animal                                               375 gp

16-17   Greater magic fang                                            375 gp

18-19   Inflict serious wounds                                        375 gp

20-22   Invisibility purge                                                375 gp

23-26   Locate object                                                   375 gp

27-28   -Magic circle against chaos                               375 gp

29-30   Magic circle against evil                                    375 gp

31-32   -Magic circle against good                                375 gp

33-34   Magic circle against law                                    375 gp

35-38   Negative energy protection                               375 gp

39-41   Neutralize poison                                              375 gp

42-43   Plant growth                                                     375 gp

44-46   Prayer                                                              375 gp

47-51   Protection from elements                                   375 gp

52-53   -Remove blindness/deafness                             375 gp

54-56   Remove curse                                                   375 gp

57-59   Remove disease                                                375 gp

60-62   Searing light                                                      375 gp

63-65   Speak with dead                                               375 gp

66-67   Spike growth                                                    375 gp

68-72   Stone shape                                                      375 gp

73-75   Summon monster III                                         375 gp

76-78   Summon nature’s ally III                                   375 gp

79-80   Water breathing                                                375 gp

81-90   Water walk                                                      375 gp

91-100 DM’s choice of any 3rd-level divine spell          -


4th-Level Divine Spells

d%       Spell                                                                 Market Price

--         -----                                                                 ------------

01-02   Antiplant shell                                                   700 gp

03-05   Control water                                                   700 gp

06-12   Cure critical wounds                                         700 gp

13-19   Discern lies                                                       700 gp

20-24   Dispel magic                                                     700 gp

25-27   Divine power                                                    700 gp

28-34   Flame strike                                                      700 gp

35-41   Freedom of movement                          700 gp

42-47   Giant vermin                                                     700 gp

48-50   Greater magic weapon                          700 gp

51-53   Inflict critical wounds                                        700 gp

54-55   Lesser planar ally                                              700 gp

56-62   Neutralize poison                                              700 gp

63-66   Quench                                                            700 gp

67-68   Restoration                                                       800 gp

69-71   Rusting grasp                                                    700 gp

72-74   Spell immunity                                      700 gp

75-76   Spike stones                                                     700 gp

77-80   Summon monster IV                                         700 gp

81-82   Summon nature’s ally IV                                   700 gp

83-90   Tongues                                                           700 gp

91-100 DM’s choice of any 4th-level divine spell           -


5th-Level Divine Spells

d%       Spell                                                                 Market Price

--         -----                                                                 ------------

01-07   Break enchantment                                           1,125 gp

08-13   Commune                                                         1,625 gp

14-15   Control winds                                                   1,125 gp

16-22   Cure critical wounds                                         1,125 gp

23-26   Dispel evil                                                         1,125 gp

27-29   Dispel good                                                      1,125 gp

30-35   Flame strike                                                      1,125 gp

36-38   Greater command                                             1,125 gp

39-40   Hallow                                                             6,125 gp*

41-43   Healing circle                                                    1,125 gp

44-45   Ice storm                                                          1,125 gp

46-50   Insect plague                                                    1,125 gp

51-57   Raise dead                                                       1,625 gp

58-60   Righteous might                                                1,125 gp

61-63   Slay living                                                         1,125 gp

64-65   Spell resistance                                     1,125 gp

66-67   Summon monster V                                          1,125 gp

68-69   Summon nature’s ally V                                    1,125 gp

70-72   Transmute rock to mud                         1,125 gp

73-74   True seeing                                                       1,375 gp

75        Unhallow                                                          6,125 gp*

76-78   Wall of fire                                                       1,125 gp

79-80   Wall of stone                                                    1,125 gp

81-90   Wall of thorns                                                   1,125 gp

91-100 DM’s choice of any 5th-level divine spell           -

*-Allows for up to a 4th-level spell to be tied to the hallowed or unhallowed area.


6th-Level Divine Spells

d%       Spell                                                                 Market Price

--         -----                                                                 ------------

01-08   Antilife shell                                                      1,650 gp

09-14   Blade barrier                                                    1,650 gp

15-19   Find the path                                                    1,650 gp

20-23   Fire seeds                                                         1,650 gp

24-28   Geas/Quest                                                      1,650 gp

29-34   Harm                                                                1,650 gp

35-41   Heal                                                                 1,650 gp

42-47   Heroes’ feast                                                    1,650 gp

48-55   Planar ally                                                         1,650 gp

56-57   Repel wood                                                      1,650 gp

58-60   Stone tell                                                          1,650 gp

61-68   Summon monster VI                                         1,650 gp

69-71   Transport via plants                                          1,650 gp

72-77   Wall of stone                                                    1,650 gp

78-80   Wind walk                                                        1,650 gp

81-90   Word of recall                                                  1,650 gp

91-100 DM’s choice of any 6th-level divine spell           -


7th-Level Divine Spells

d%       Spell                                                                 Market Price

--         -----                                                                 ------------

01-11   Control weather                                                2,275 gp

12-18   Creeping doom                                     2,275 gp

19-25   Destruction                                                       2,275 gp

26-32   Dictum                                                             2,275 gp

33-36   Fire storm                                                         2,275 gp

37-40   Greater restoration                                            4,775 gp

41-47   Holy word                                                        2,275 gp

48-54   Regenerate                                                       2,275 gp

55-61   Repulsion                                                         2,275 gp

62-68   Resurrection                                                     2,775 gp

69-72   Summon monster VII                                        2,275 gp

73-76   Transmute metal to wood                                  2,275 gp

77-80   True seeing                                                       2,525 gp

81-90   Word of chaos                                                 2,275 gp

91-100 DM’s choice of any 7th-level divine spell           -


8th-Level Divine Spells

d%       Spell                                                                 Market Price

--         -----                                                                 ------------

01-06   Antimagic field                                      3,000 gp

07-12   Creeping doom                                     3,000 gp

13-18   Discern location                                                3,000 gp

19-25   Earthquake                                                       3,000 gp

26-30   Finger of death                                     3,000 gp

31-35   Fire storm                                                         3,000 gp

36-44   Holy aura                                                         3,000 gp

45-50   Mass heal                                                         3,000 gp

51-56   Repel metal or stone                                         3,000 gp

57-62   Reverse gravity                                     3,000 gp

63-68   Summon monster VIII                          3,000 gp

69-74   Sunburst                                                           3,000 gp

75-80   Unholy aura                                                      3,000 gp

81-90   Whirlwind                                                         3,000 gp

91-100 DM’s choice of any 8th-level divine spell           -


9th-Level Divine Spells

d%       Spell                                                                 Market Price

--         -----                                                                 ------------

01-07   Earthquake                                                       3,825 gp

08-14   Elemental swarm                                               3,825 gp

15-26   Energy drain                                                     3,825 gp

27-38   Implosion                                                         3,825 gp

39-50   Miracle                                                 28,825 gp*

51-57   Shapechange                                                    3,825 gp

58-68   Storm of vengeance                                          3,825 gp

69-80   Summon monster IX                                         3,825 gp

81-90   True resurrection                                              8,825 gp

91-100 DM’s choice of any 9th-level divine spell           -

*-Assumes powerful request but no expensive material components in excess of 100 gp and no additional XP cost.