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Each wand has 50 charges when created.


Physical Description

A typical wand has an AC of 7, 5 hit points, a hardness of 5, and a break DC of 16.



Wands use the spell trigger activation method, so casting a spell from a wand is usually a standard action that doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity. (If the spell being cast, however, has a longer casting time than 1 action, it takes that long to cast the spell from a wand.) To activate a wand, a character must hold it in hand (or whatever passes for a hand, for nonhumanoid creatures) and point it in the general direction of the target or area.


Table: Wands


Minor   Medium            Major   Wand                                                               Price

-----     ------   -----     ----                                                                              ------

01-05   -           -           Detect magic                                                                375 gp

06-10   -           -           Light                                                                             375 gp

11-15   -           -           Detect secret doors                                                      750 gp

16-20   -           -           Color spray                                                                  750 gp

21-25   -           -           Burning hands                                                               750 gp

26-30   01-03   -           Charm person                                                               750 gp

31-35   04-06   -           Enlarge                                                             750 gp

36-40   07-09   -           Magic missile (1st-level caster)                          750 gp

41-45   10-12   -           Shocking grasp                                                 750 gp

46-50   13-15   -           Summon monster I                                                        750 gp

51-55   16-18   -           Cure light wounds                                                         750 gp

56-58   19-21   -           Magic missile (3rd-level caster)                         2,250 gp

59        22-23   01-02   Magic missile (5th-level caster)                         3,750 gp

60-63   24-26   03        Levitate                                                                        4,500 gp

64-66   27-29   04        Summon monster II                                                      4,500 gp

67-69   30-32   05        Silence                                                                         4,500 gp

70-72   33-35   06        Knock                                                                          4,500 gp

73-75   36-38   07        Daylight                                                                        4,500 gp

76-78   39-41   08-10   Invisibility                                                                     4,500 gp

79-81   42-44   11-12   Shatter                                                                         4,500 gp

82-84   45-48   13-15   Bull’s strength                                                               4,500 gp

85-87   49-50   16-17   Mirror image                                                                4,500 gp

88-90   51-53   18-19   Ghoul touch                                                                  4,500 gp

91-93   54-60   20-21   Cure moderate wounds                                     4,500 gp

94-96   61-63   22-23   Hold person                                                                 4,500 gp

97-98   64-66   24-25   Acid arrow                                                                   4,500 gp

99        67-69   26-27   Web                                                                             4,500 gp

100      60-71   28-30   Darkness                                                                      4,500 gp

-           72        31-33   Magic missile (7th-level caster)                         5,250 gp

-           -           34-36   Magic missile (9th-level caster)                         6,750 gp

-           73-75   37-39   Fireball (5th-level caster)                                              11,250 gp

-           76-80   40-41   Lightning bolt (5th-level caster)                         11,250 gp

-           81-82   42-43   Summon monster III                                                     11,250 gp

-           83-84   44-45   Keen edge                                                                    11,250 gp

-           85-86   46-47   Major image                                                                 11,250 gp

-           87-88   48-49   Slow                                                                            11,250 gp

-           89-90   50-51   Suggestion                                                                    11,250 gp

-           91-92   52-53   Dispel magic                                                                 11,250 gp

-           93-94   54-55   Cure serious wounds                                                    11,250 gp

-           95        55-57   Contagion                                                                     11,250 gp

-           96        58        Charm person (heightened to 3rd-level spell)                 11,250 gp

-           97        59        Fireball (6th-level caster)                                              13,500 gp

-           98-99   60-61   Searing light (6th-level caster)                           13,500 gp

-           100      62-63   Lightning bolt (6th-level caster)                         13,500 gp

-           -           64-65   Fireball (8th-level caster)                                              18,000 gp

-           -           66-67   Lightning bolt (8th-level caster)                         18,000 gp

-           -           68-69   Charm monster                                                 21,000 gp

-           -           70-71   Fear                                                                             21,000 gp

-           -           72-73   Improved invisibility                                                      21,000 gp

-           -           74-75   Polymorph self                                                  21,000 gp

-           -           76-77   Polymorph other                                                           21,000 gp

-           -           78-79   Ice storm                                                                      21,000 gp

-           -           80-81   Summon monster IV                                                     21,000 gp

-           -           82-83   Wall of ice                                                                    21,000 gp

-           -           84        Wall of fire                                                                   21,000 gp

-           -           85        Ray of enfeeblement (heightened to 4th-level spell)        21,000 gp

-           -           86        Poison                                                                          21,000 gp

-           -           87        Suggestion (heightened to 4th-level spell)                       21,000 gp

-           -           88-89   Neutralize poison                                                          21,000 gp

-           -           90        Inflict critical wounds                                                    21,000 gp

-           -           91-92   Cure critical wounds                                                     21,000 gp

-           -           93        Restoration                                                                   21,100 gp

-           -           94        Fireball (10th-level caster)                                            22,500 gp

-           -           95        Lightning bolt (10th-level caster)                                   22,500 gp

-           -           96        Holy smite (8th-level caster)                                          24,000 gp

-           -           97        Chaos hammer (8th-level caster)                                   24,000 gp

-           -           98        Unholy blight (8th-level caster)                          24,000 gp

-           -           99        Order’s wrath (8th-level caster)                                    24,000 gp

-           -           100      Stoneskin                                                                     37,700 gp*

*-The cost to create a wand of stoneskin is 10,500 gp, 840 XP, plus 12,500 gp for the material components.