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Check: The character jumps a minimum distance plus an additional distance depending on the amount by which the character's Jump check result exceeds 10. The maximum distance of any jump is a function of the character's height.

                       Minimum                                       Maximum
Type of Jump           Distance       Additional Distance            Distance
------------           --------       -------------------            --------
Running jump*          5 ft.          +1 ft./1 point above 10        Height X 6
Standing jump          3 ft.          +1 ft./2 points above 10       Height X 2
Running                2 ft.          +1 ft./4 points above 10       Height X 1 1/2
high jump* Standing    2 ft.          +1 ft./8 points above 10       Height
high jump Jump back    1 ft.          +1 ft./8 points above 10       Height

*The character must move 20 feet before jumping. A character can't take a running jump in heavy armor.

The distances listed are for characters with speeds of 30 feet. If the character has a lower speed (from armor, encumbrance, or weight carried, for instance), reduce the distance jumped proportionally. If the character has a higher speed (because the character is a barbarian or an experienced monk, for instance), increase the distance jumped proportionally.

Distance moved by jumping is counted against maximum movement in a round normally.

If the character intentionally jumps down from a height, the character might take less damage than if the character just fell. If the character succeeds at a Jump check (DC 15), the character takes damage as if the character had fallen 10 feet less than the character actually did.

Special: If the character has 5 or more ranks in Tumble, the character gets a +2 synergy bonus on Jump checks.

A character who has the Run feat and who makes a running jump increases the distance or height he clears by one-fourth, but not past the maximum.


Check: Answering a question within the character's field of study has a DC of 10 (for really easy questions), 15 (for basic questions), or 20 to 30 (for really tough questions).

Retry: No. The check represents what the character knows, and thinking about a topic a second time doesn't let the character know something the character never learned in the first place.

Special: An untrained Knowledge check is simply an Intelligence check. Without actual training, a character only knows common knowledge.

Listen (WIS)

Check: Make a Listen check against a DC that reflects how quiet the noise is that the character might hear or against an opposed Move Silently check.

The DM may make the Listen check so that the character doesn't know whether not hearing anything means that nothing is there, or that the character rolled low.

DC      Sound
--      -----
0       People talking
5       A person in medium armor walking at a slow pace
        (10 ft./round) trying not to make noise.
10      An unarmored person walking at a slow pace
        (15 ft./round) trying not to make any noise
15      A 1st-level rogue using Move Silently within
        10 ft. of the listener
19      A cat stalking
30      An owl gliding in for a kill
+1      Per 10 ft. from the listener
+5      Through a door
+15     Through a stone wall

In the case of people trying to be quiet, the listed DCs could be replaced by Move Silently checks, in which case the listed DC would be the average result (or close to it).

Retry: The character can make a Listen check every time the character has a chance to hear something in a reactive manner. As a full-round action, the character may try to hear something the character failed to hear previously.

Special: When several characters are listening to the same thing, the DM can make a single 1d20 roll and use it for all the listeners' skill checks.


Check: The character's Move Silently check is opposed by the Listen check of anyone who might hear the character. The character can move up to one-half the character's normal speed at no penalty. At more than one-half and up to the character's full speed, the character suffers a –5 penalty. It's practically impossible (–20 penalty) to move silently while running or charging.


The effort requires at least a simple tool of the appropriate sort (a pick, pry bar, blank key, wire, etc.). Attempting an Open Lock check without a set of thieves' tools carries a –2 circumstance penalty, even if a simple tool is employed. The use of masterwork thieves' tools enables the character to make the check with a +2 circumstance bonus.

Check: Opening a lock entails 1 round of work and a successful check. (It is a full-round action.)

Lock                   DC
----                   --
Very simple lock       20
Average lock           25
Good lock              30
Amazing Lock           40

Perform (CHA)

Possible Perform types include ballad, buffoonery, chant, comedy, dance, drama, drums, epic, flute, harp, juggling, limericks, lute, mandolin, melody, mime, ode, pan pipes, recorder, shalm, storytelling, and trumpet. The character is capable of one form of performance per rank.

Check: The character can impress audiences with talent and skill.

DC      Performance
--      -----------
10      Routine performance. Trying to earn money by playing in public is essentially begging.
        The character earns 1d10 cp/day.
15      Enjoyable performance. In a prosperous city, the character can earn 1d10 sp/day.
20      Great performance. In a prosperous city, the character can earn 3d10 sp/day. 
        With time, the character may be invited to join a professional troupe and may develop a regional reputation.
25      Memorable performance. In a prosperous city, the character can earn 1d6 gp/day. 
        With time, the character may come to the attention of noble patrons and develop a national reputation.
30      Extraordinary performance. In a prosperous city, the character can earn 3d6 gp/day. 
        With time, the character may draw attention from distant potential patrons or even from extraplanar beings.

A masterwork musical instrument gives a +2 circumstance bonus to Perform checks that involve the use of the instrument.

Retry: Retries are allowed, but they don't negate previous failures, and an audience that has been unimpressed in the past is going to be prejudiced against future performances. (Increase the DC by 2 for each previous failure.)

In addition to using the Perform skill, a character could entertain people with tumbling, tightrope walking, and spells (especially illusions).


Check: A check against DC 10 lets the character palm a coin-sized, unattended object. Minor feats of legerdemain, such as making a coin disappear, are also DC 10 unless an observer is determined to note where the item went.

When performing this skill under close observation, the character's skill check is opposed by the observer's Spot check. The observer's check doesn't prevent the character from performing the action, just from doing it unnoticed.

If the character tries to take something from another creature, the character must make a skill check against DC 20. The opponent makes a Spot check to detect the attempt. The opponent detects the attempt if her check result beats the character's check result, regardless of whether the character got the item.

DC      Task
--      ----
10      Palm a coin-sized object, make a coin disappear
20      Lift a small object from a person

Retry: A second Pick Pocket attempt against the same target, or when being watched by the same observer, has a DC +10 higher than the first skill check if the first check failed or if the attempt was noticed.

Special: If the character has 5 or more ranks in Bluff, the character gets a +2 synergy bonus on Pick Pocket checks.

Profession (WIS; TRAINED ONLY)

The character is trained in a livelihood or a professional role, such as apothecary, boater, bookkeeper, brewer, cook, driver, farmer, fisher, guide, herbalist, herdsman, innkeeper, lumberjack, miller, miner, porter, rancher, sailor, scribe, siege engineer, stablehand, tanner, teamster, woodcutter, and so forth.

Like Craft, Profession is actually a number of separate skills. The character could have several Profession skills, each with its own ranks, each purchased as a separate skill.

While a Craft skill represents skill in creating or making an item, a Profession skill represents an aptitude in a vocation requiring a broader range of less specific knowledge. To draw a modern analogy, if an occupation is a service industry, it's probably a Profession skill. If it's in the manufacturing sector, it's probably a Craft skill.

Check: The character can practice a trade and make a decent living, earning about half the check result in gold pieces per week of dedicated work. The character knows how to use the tools of the trade, how to perform the profession's daily tasks, how to supervise untrained helpers, and how to handle common problems. For example, a sailor knows how to tie several basic knots, how to tend and repair sails, and how to stand a deck watch at sea. The DM sets DCs for specialized tasks.

Retry: An attempt to use a Profession skill to earn an income cannot be retried. The character is stuck with whatever weekly wage the check result brought the character. (Another check may be made after a week to determine a new income for the next period of time.) An attempt to accomplish some specific task can usually be retried.

Special: Untrained laborers and assistants earn an average of 1 silver piece per day.


Check: The character must be within 30 feet of the speaker and be able to see her speak. The character must be able to understand the speaker's language. (Use of this skill is language-dependent.) The base DC is 15, and it is higher for complex speech or an inarticulate speaker. The character has to concentrate on reading lips for a full minute before making the skill check, and the character can't perform some other action during this minute. The character can move at half speed but not any faster, and the character must maintain a line of sight to the lips being read. If the check succeeds, the character can understand the general content of a minute's worth of speaking, but the character usually still misses certain details.

If the check fails, the character can't read the speaker's lips. If the check fails by 5 or more, the character draws some incorrect conclusion about the speech.

The DM rolls the character's check so the character don't know whether the character succeeded or missed by 5.

Retry: The skill can be used once per minute.

Ride (DEX)

When the character selects this skill, choose the type of mount the character is familiar with. For this purpose, "horses" includes mules, donkeys, and ponies. If the character uses the skill with a different mount (such as riding a giant lizard when the character is used to riding horses), the character's rank is reduced by 2 (but not below 0). If the character uses this skill with a very different mount (such as riding a griffon when the character is used to riding horses), the character's rank is reduced by 5 (but not below 0).

Check: Typical riding actions don't require checks. The character can saddle, mount, ride, and dismount from a mount without a problem. Mounting or dismounting is a move-equivalent action. Some tasks require checks:

Riding Task                    DC
-----------                    --
Guide with knees               5
Stay in saddle                 5
Fight with warhorse            10
Leap                           15
Control Mount in Battle        20
Fast mount or dismount         20*
Cover                          15
Soft fall                      15

*Armor check penalty applies.

Guide with Knees: the character can react instantly to guide the character's mount with the character's knees so that the character can use both hands in combat. Make the check at the start of the character's round. If the character fails, the character can only use one hand this round because the character needs to use the other to control the character's mount.

Stay in Saddle: The character can react instantly to try to avoid falling when the character's mount rears or bolts unexpectedly or when the character takes damage.

Fight with Warhorse: If the character directs a war-trained mount to attack in battle, the character can still make the character's own attack or attacks normally.

Cover: The character can react instantly to drop down and hang alongside the mount, using it as one-half cover. The character can't attack or cast spells while using the character's mount as cover. If the character fails, the character doesn't get the cover benefit.

Soft Fall: The character reacts instantly to try to take no damage when the character falls off a mount, such as when it is killed or when it falls. If the character fails, the character takes 1d6 points of falling damage.

Leap: The character can get a mount to leap obstacles as part of its movement. Use the character's Ride skill modifier or the mount's Jump skill modifier (whichever is lower) to see how far the mount can jump. The DC (15) is what the character needs to roll to stay on the mount when it leaps.

Control Mount in Battle: As a move-equivalent action, the character can attempt to control a light horse, pony, or heavy horse while in combat. If the character fails, the character can do nothing else that round. The character does not need to roll for warhorses or warponies.

Fast Mount or Dismount: The character can mount or dismount as a free action. If the character fails the check, mounting or dismounting is a move-equivalent action. (The character can't attempt a fast mount or dismount unless the character can perform the mount or dismount as a move-equivalent action this round.)

Special: If the character is riding bareback, the character suffers a –5 penalty on Ride checks.

If the character has 5 or more ranks in Handle Animal, the character gets a +2 synergy bonus to Ride checks.

If the character's mount has a military saddle, it gives a +2 circumstance bonus to Ride checks related to staying in the saddle.


Check: The character can't use this skill without some magical means to scry. Use of this skill is described in association with those spells and items. These items allow the character to spy on others, and this skill just lets the character do it better. This skill also improves the character's chance to notice when the character is being scried, as detailed in the descriptions of the arcane eye and detect scrying spells.

Special: Although this skill is exclusive to certain classes, it can be used untrained. This means that a character with no ranks in Scry, and who is not allowed to buy ranks in this skill, can still make an Intelligence check to notice when he is being scried.

Search (INT)

Check: The character generally must be within 10 feet of the object or surface to be searched. It takes 1 round to search a 5-foot-by-5-foot area or a volume of goods 5 feet on a side; doing so is a full-round action.

Task                                                         DC
----                                                         --
Ransack a chest full of junk to find a certain item          10
Notice a typical secret door or a simple trap                20
Find a difficult nonmagical trap not of stone (rogue only)*  21+
Find a magic trap (rogue only)*                              25+ spell level used to create
Notice a well-hidden secret door                             30

*Dwarves who are not rogues can use Search to do this if the trap is built into or out of stone.

Active Abjuration spells within 10 feet of each other for 24 hours or more create barely visible energy fluctuations. These fluctuations give characters a +4 bonus to Search checks to locate such Abjuration spells.

While anyone can use Search to find a trap whose DC is 20 or less, only a rogue can use Search to locate traps with higher DCs. Finding a nonmagical trap has a DC of at least 20, and the DC is higher if it is well hidden. Finding a magic trap has a DC of 25 plus the level of the spell used to create it. Identifying the location of a snare spell has a DC of 23.

Special: A character who does not have the Track feat can use the Search skill to find tracks, but can only follow tracks if the DC is 10 or less.

Sense Motive (WIS)

Check: A successful check allows the character to avoid being bluffed. The character can also use the skill to tell when something is up (something odd is going on that the character were unaware of) or to assess someone's trustworthiness. Trying to gain information with this skill takes at least 1 minute, and the character could spend a whole evening trying to get a sense of the people around the character.

Sense Motive Task                             DC
-----------------                             --
Hunch                                         20
Sense enchantment                             25

Hunch: This use of the skill essentially means making a gut assessment of the social situation. The character can get the feeling from another's behavior that something is wrong, such as when the character is talking to an impostor. Alternatively, the character can get the feeling that someone is trustworthy.

Sense Enchantment: The character can tell that someone's behavior is being influenced by an Enchantment effect (by definition, a mind-affecting effect), such as charm person, even if that person isn't aware of it herself.

Retry: No, though the character may make a Sense Motive check for each bluff made on the character.

Speak Language (NONE; TRAINED ONLY)

The Speak Language skill doesn't work like a standard skill.

Common languages and their alphabets are summarized in Table: Languages

Table: Languages
Language                       Alphabet
--------                       --------
Abyssal                        Infernal
Aquan                          Elven
Auran                          Draconic
Celestial                      Celestial
Common                         Common
Draconic                       Draconic
Druidic                        Druidic
Dwarven                        Dwarven
Elven                          Elven
Gnome                          Dwarven
Goblin                         Dwarven
Giant                          Dwarven
Gnoll                          Common
Halfling                       Common
Ignan                          Draconic
Infernal                       Infernal
Orc                            Dwarven
Sylvan                         Elven
Terran                         Dwarven
Undercommon                    Elven

Retry: Not applicable. (There are no Speak Language checks to fail.)

Spellcraft (INT; TRAINED ONLY)

Check: The character can identify spells and magic effects.

DC                     Task
--                     ----
13                     When using read magic, identify a glyph of warding.
15 + spell level       Identify a spell being cast. (The character must see or hear the spell's verbal 
                       or somatic components.) No retry.
15 + spell level       Learn a spell from a spellbook or scroll. (Wizard only.) No retry for that spell 
                       until the character gain at least 1 rank in Spellcraft (even if the character 
                       find another source to try to learn the spell from).
15 + spell level       Prepare a spell from a borrowed spellbook. (Wizard only.) One try per day.
15 + spell level       When casting detect magic, determine the school of magic involved in the aura 
                       of a single item or creature the character can see. (If the aura is not a spell 
                       effect, the DC is 15 + half caster level.)
19                     When using read magic, identify a symbol.
20 + spell level       Identify a spell that's already in place and in effect. (the character must be able 
                       to see or detect the effects of the spell.) No retry.
20 + spell level       Identify materials created or shaped by magic, such as noting that an iron wall 
                       is the result of a wall of iron spell. No retry.
20 + spell level       Decipher a written spell (such as a scroll) without using read magic. One try per day. 
20                     Draw a diagram to augment casting dimensional anchor on a summoned creature. Takes 10 
                       minutes. No retry. The DM makes this check.
30 or higher           Understand a strange or unique magical effect, such as the effects of a magic stream. 
                       No retry.

Additionally, certain spells allow the character to gain information about magic provided that the character makes a Spellcraft check as detailed in the spell description.

Retry: See above.

If the character has 5 or more ranks of Use Magic Device, the character gets a +2 synergy bonus to Spellcraft checks to decipher spells on scrolls.

Spot (WIS)

Check: The Spot skill is used primarily to detect characters or creatures who are hiding. Typically, Spot is opposed by the Hide check of the creature trying not to be seen. Sometimes a creature isn't intentionally hiding but is still difficult to see, so a successful Spot check is necessary to notice it. 

A Spot check result of greater than 20 can generally let the character become aware of an invisible creature near the character (though the character can't actually see it).

Spot is also used to detect someone in disguise.

Condition                             Penalty
---------                             -------
Per 10 feet of distance               -1
Spotter distracted                    -5

Retry: the character can make a Spot check every time the character has the opportunity to notice something in a reactive manner. As a full-round action, the character may attempt to spot something that the character failed to spot previously.

Swim (STR)

Check: A successful Swim check allows the character to swim one-quarter of the character's speed as a move-equivalent action or one-half the character's speed as a full-round action. Roll once per round. If the character fails, the character makes no progress through the water. If the character fails by 5 or more, the character goes underwater and starts to drown.

If the character is underwater (whether drowning or swimming underwater intentionally), the character suffers a cumulative –1 penalty to the character's Swim check for each consecutive round the character has been underwater.

The DC for the Swim check depends on the water:

Water Conditions               DC
----------------               --
Calm water                     10
Rough water                    15
Stormy water                   20

Each hour that the character swims, make a Swim check against DC 20 or take 1d6 points of subdual damage from fatigue.

Special: Instead of an armor check penalty, the character suffers a penalty of –1 for each 5 pounds of gear the character is carrying or wearing.


The character can't use this skill if the character's speed has been reduced by armor, excess equipment, or loot.

Check: The character can land softly when the character falls or tumbles past opponents. The character can also tumble to entertain an audience (as with the Perform skill).

DC      Task
--      ----
15      Treat a fall as if it were 10 feet shorter when determining damage.
15      Tumble up to 20 feet (as part of normal movement), suffering no attacks of 
        opportunity while doing so. Failure means the character tumbles 20 feet but suffers
        attacks of opportunity normally.
25      Tumble up to 20 feet (as part of normal movement), suffering no attacks of 
        opportunity while doing so and moving through areas occupied by enemies (over, 
        under, or around them). Failure means the character tumbles 20 feet and can move through 
        enemy-occupied areas but suffers attacks of opportunity normally.

Retry: An audience, once it has judged a tumbler as uninteresting, is not receptive to repeat performances. The character can try to reduce damage from a fall as an instant reaction once per fall. The character can attempt to tumble as part of movement once per round.

Special: A character with 5 or more ranks in Tumble gains a +3 dodge AC bonus when executing the fight defensively standard or full-round action instead of a +2 dodge AC bonus.

A character with 5 or more ranks in Tumble gains a +6 dodge AC bonus when executing the total defense standard action instead of a +4 dodge AC bonus.

If the character has 5 or more ranks in Jump, the character gets a +2 synergy bonus on Tumble checks.

If the character has 5 or more ranks in Tumble, the character gets a +2 synergy bonus on Balance checks.


Check: The character can use this skill to read a spell or to activate a magic item. This skill lets the character use a magic item as if the character had the spell ability or class features of another class, as if the character were a different race, or as if the character were a different alignment.

Use Magic Device Task          DC
---------------------          --
Decipher a written spell       25 + Spell Level
Emulate spell ability          20
Emulate class feature          20
Emulate ability score          See Text
Emulate race                   25
Emulate alignment              30
Activate blindly               25

When the character is attempting to activate a magic item using this skill, the character does so as a standard action. However, the checks the character makes to determine whether the character is successful at emulating the desired factors to successfully perform the activation are instant. They take no time by themselves and are included in the activate magic item standard action.

The character make emulation checks each time the character activates a device such as a wand. If the character is using the check to emulate an alignment or some other quality in an ongoing manner, the character needs to make the relevant emulation checks once per hour.

The character must consciously choose what to emulate. That is, the character has to know what the character is trying to emulate when the character makes an emulation check.

Decipher a Written Spell: This works just like deciphering a written spell with the Spellcraft skill, except that the DC is 5 points higher.

Emulate Spell Ability: This use of the skill allows the character to use a magic item as if the character had a particular spell on the character's class spell list. To cast a spell from a scroll or use a wand, the character has to have a particular spell on the character's class spell list. By using the skill this way, the character can use such an item as if the character did have the spell on the character's class spell list. The character's effective caster level is the character's result minus 20. (It's okay to have a caster level of 0.) For wands, it doesn't matter what caster level the character is, but it does matter for scrolls. If the character's effective level is lower than the caster level, the character must roll to see if you use the scroll successfuly.

This skill does not let the character cast the spell. It only lets the character cast it from a scroll or wand as if the spell were on the character's class list. Note: If the character is casting it from a scroll, the character has to decipher it first.

Emulate Class Feature: Sometimes the character needs to use a class feature to activate a magic item. The character's effective level in the emulated class equals the character's result minus 20.

This skill does not let the character use the class feature of another class. It just lets the character activate magic items as if the character had the class feature.

If the class whose feature the character is emulating has an alignment requirement, the character must meet it, either honestly or by emulating an appropriate alignment as a separate check (see below).

Emulate Ability Score: To cast a spell from a scroll, the character needs a high ability score in the appropriate ability (Intelligence for wizard spells, Wisdom for divine spells, and Charisma for sorcerer or bard spells). The character's effective ability score (appropriate to the class the character is emulating when the character tries to cast the spell from the scroll) is the character's result minus 15. If the character already has a high enough score in the appropriate ability, the character doesn't need to make this check.

Emulate Race: Some magic items work only for certain races, or work better for those of certain races. The character can use such an item as if the character were a race of the character's choice. The character can emulate only one race at a time.

Emulate Alignment: Some magic items have positive or negative effects based on the character's alignment. The character can use these items as if the character was of an alignment of the character's choice.

The character can emulate only one alignment at a time.

Activate Blindly: Some magic items are activated by special words, thoughts, or actions. The character can activate such items as if the character were using the activation word, thought, or action even if the character is not and even if the character doesn't know it. The character does have to use something equivalent. The character has to speak, wave the item around, or otherwise attempt to get it to activate. The character gets a special +2 bonus if the character has activated the item at least once before.

If the character fails by 10 or more, the character suffers a mishap. A mishap means that magical energy gets released but it doesn't do what the character wanted it to do. The DM determines the result of a mishap, as with scroll mishaps. The default mishaps are that the item affects the wrong target or that uncontrolled magical energy gets released, dealing 2d6 points of damage to the character. Note: This mishap is in addition to the chance for a mishap that the character normally runs when the character casts a spell from a scroll and the spell's caster level is higher than the character's level.

Retry: Yes, but if the character ever rolls a natural 1 while attempting to activate an item and the character fails, then the character can't try to activate it again for a day.

Special: The character cannot take 10 with this skill. Magic is too unpredictable for the character to use this skill reliably.

If the character has 5 or more ranks in Spellcraft, the character gets a +2 synergy bonus on Use Magic Device checks related to scrolls. If the character has 5 or more ranks in Decipher Script, the character gets a +2 synergy bonus on Use Magic Device checks related to scrolls. These bonuses stack.

Use Rope (DEX)

Check: Most tasks with a rope are relatively simple.

DC      Task
--      ----
10      Tie a firm knot
15      Tie a special knot, such as one that slips, slides slowly, or loosens with a 
15      Tie a rope around oneself one-handed
15      Splice two ropes together (takes 5 minutes)

When the character binds another character with a rope, any Escape Artist check that the bound character makes is opposed by the character's Use Rope check. The character gets a special +10 bonus on the check because it is easier to bind someone than to escape from being tied up.

The character doesn't make the character's Use Rope check until someone tries to escape.

Special: A silk rope gives a +2 circumstance bonus on Use Rope checks. If the character casts an animate rope spell on a rope, the character gets a +2 circumstance bonus to any Use Rope checks the character makes when using the rope. These bonuses stack.

If the character has 5 or more ranks in Escape Artist, the character gets a +2 synergy bonus on checks to bind someone.

Wilderness Lore (WIS)

Check: The character can keep him or herself and others safe and fed in the wild.

DC      Task
--      ----
10      Get along in the wild. Move up to one-half the character's overland
        speed while hunting and foraging (no food or water supplies needed). The character can 
        provide food and water for one other person for every 2 points by which the character's 
        check result exceeds 10.
15      Gain +2 on all Fortitude saves against severe weather
        while moving up to one-half the character's overland speed, or gain +4 if stationary. The character 
        may grant the same bonus to one other character for every 1 point by which the 
        check result exceeds 15.
15      Avoid getting lost or avoid natural hazards, such as quicksand.

Retry: For getting along in the wild or for gaining the Fortitude save bonus, the character makes a check once every 24 hours. The result of that check applies until the next check is made. To avoid getting lost or avoid natural hazards, the character makes a check whenever the situation calls for one. Retries to avoid getting lost in a specific situation or to avoid a specific natural hazard are not allowed.

Special: If the character has 5 or more ranks of Intuit Direction, the character gets a +2 synergy bonus on Wilderness Lore checks to avoid getting lost.